Sunday 4 May 2014

2,100 Killed In Afghanistan Landslides, Fact Or Fake 52, 10 Unconventional Jobs And More

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Sewol Ferry Was Routinely Overloaded And Carried Three Times Its Cargo Limit

A South Korean ferry with 475 people onboard was sailing to the southern island of Jeju (popularly known as the Hawaii of Korea) when it sent a distress call on 16 April 2014 after it began leaning to one side.


Afghanistan Landslides: 2,100 Confirmed Dead With Over 300 Houses Wiped Out So Far

Hundreds and thousands of people are feared dead following deep, devastating landslides Friday in a remote, mountainous part of far northeastern Afghanistan.


[FACT OR FAKE #52] Can A Woman Get Pregnant During Her Period?

Myths about periods and the menstrual cycle have been around as long as women have been menstruating. One such belief is about women not getting pregnant during their period. So, can a woman get pregnant during her period?


The 10 Unconventional Jobs That People Will Be Doing In Future

The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan (CST) worked with foresight strategists to create job descriptions that will likely be available in the year 2030. With technology moving at a dizzying pace, a glimpse into the future provides some fascinating insight on our future careers, as well as those of our children. Here's taking a look at 10 crazy jobs predicted to exist in the future.


Iran Bans WhatsApp For An Absolutely Absurd Reason

The Iranian regime has banned access to the popular messaging app WhatsApp stating a reason that is just absolutely absurd and hard to digest with.


Google Is Being Sued Over Claims Of Secret Deals It Made With Android Device Makers

A federal class action suit charges that Google's deals with certain Android device makers hurt competition and violate antitrust laws.


[VIDEO] A Crow Named '007' Solves The Most Difficult Mind Puzzle Ever Constructed

Multi-step puzzles can be difficult for humans, but what if we told you there was a bird (a crow to be specific) that could solve them on its own?

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