A reader set in this photo last night of two Renault Twizy and a Nissan Leaf parked near one of the iconic bridges in Putrajaya. Both of these cars are electric vehicles, and they are wearing decals with the logo of a company called COMOS.

A quick check with Malaysia's domain registry reveals that was registered earlier this month. A quick visit to the website reveals a 'coming soon' page with the same COMOS logo as found on the car.

The domain was registered by CMS Consortium Sdn Bhd C/O NADI Manufacturing. We know of course that NADI is controlled by Proton's ex-chairman Datuk Sri Nadzmi Salleh. The last piece of puzzle is this Facebook post, where Proton's ex-MD Datuk Sri Syed Zainal Abidin is mentioned.

Could COMOS be some kind of EV charging initiative or perhaps even an EV car sharing business started up by Proton's ex-chairman and ex-MD?