A new ruling by the Road Transport Department (JPJ) requiring disabled drivers to get a letter from a doctor every time they want to renew their driving licence has sparked fury among the community. It led to a protest held by a group of disabled people from five non-governmental organisations yesterday.
Various reports said that representatives from Petpositive, Malaysian Spinal Cord Injury Association (Masia), Yayasan Ehsan, Adult Blind Association of Selangor (Abas) and Independent Living and Training Centre gathered at the JPJ office in Wangsa Maju at 11 am, demanding that disabled drivers should only be required to show a doctor's certification upon renewing their licences for the first time.
This comes after the transport ministry waived driving licence fees for disabled people in April, before JPJ required that a doctor's letter must be produced before an exemption from those fees can be acquired upon each licence renewal.
Petpositive president Siva Balan Thanasayan said, "We have to see a specialist each time we want to renew our driving licence, which is a hassle for us. I don't see the purpose of having the disabled's identity card for anymore." The protestors then threw their disabled's identity cards into a dustbin in a symbolic move.
What do you think? Should disable drivers only be required to show certification upon renewing thier licences for the first time, or is there a method to JPJ's decision?
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