So I finally decided I was going to put my previous ride up for sale, after three months of telling myself I'd do it. Nothing like checking out some creative angles to see if I could come up with an eye-catcher. I mean, "low mileage," "driven by a little old lady" and "accident-free, see to believe" is all good and fine, but it's all, shall we say, lacking in novelty, no?

Maybe I shouldn't have clicked so far along as I did, because this absolute cracker came along - it's a video called Buy My Volvo, and it's an ad for a sixth-hand 1993 Volvo 245GL by a Swedish chap who goes by the name of Castor. It's almost enough to make you want to buy an old Volvo wagon, even if you don't want one.

With accompanying text copy such as "7,500 Swedish crowns, or the highest bidder. Or in exchange for a really long Xbox. Test it out in Malmö, Sweden," I figure it'd be hard to top something like that. And since I can't, I think give it a rest for a bit before again attempting to think of novel copy to go about selling the car.