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Perodua president and CEO Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh has revealed to The Malaysian Insider that the recently-launched Perodua Axia has garnered 32,000 bookings since the order books opened in August.

6,000 Axias have been delivered to customers to date, but the waiting period for the standard model (likely the second-from-bottom Standard G variant) has now lengthened to six months, due to "overwhelming response," Aminar told the publication.

"We have no issue with capacity because our plant can produce 7,000 to 8,000 units a month. It is a matter of having all the right parts to make the cars," TMI quoted him as saying. "We are working closely with our vendors, who are seeing to that, and by year-end we should be able to cut the waiting period to 1.5 months."

The order tally on the day of the Axia's launch was about 13,500. Perodua revealed then that it aimed to sell 30,000 Axias by the end of the year, and that a significant majority of the orders were for the Standard G variant.