
The public can now check the status of their towed vehicles through WhatsApp, Telegram and SMS, according to a Bernama report. The service has been made available by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), with the cooperation of the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

Mayor Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib said the status of towed vehicles can be checked by sending the vehicle registration number to 013 666 3255 either through WhatsApp, Telegram or SMS.

"From there, we will inform the vehicle owners the location of their towed vehicles and the compound fine they have to pay," he told reporters after opening the new Towed Vehicle Storage Depot in Jalan Galloway yesterday.

"To ensure that the public are well aware of the service, DBKL has put up 30 information notices around the city, especially in towing hotspots such as in Bukit Bintang, Jalan Pudu and Bangsar areas."

The opening of the new storage depot, Ahmad Phesal said, was to enable motorists in the city to reclaim their towed vehicles from a nearer location.

"Prior to this, many city dwellers lamented having to reclaim their vehicles from a towed vehicle depot in Jinjang, which is quite far from here. So, we set up this depot here (Jalan Galloway), which will be operating 24 hours a day to ease them to reclaim their vehicles," he said.

Between January and September this year, 6,105 vehicles had been towed in the city, involving compound fines of RM143,370, the mayor said.